phlebotomy certification in Utah

Phlebotomy Certification in Oregon

Are you looking to become a phlebotomist and are wondering how to get your phlebotomy certification in Oregon? Look now further you came to the right place!

A phlebotomist is someone who draws blood for either tests, transfusions or research. Every state has different requirements in order to work as a phlebotomist. Therefore it is important to know what your state requirements are before you begin working. In Oregon, you are not required to receive your certification, however that requirement can change any time. In addition, although you do not need your certification in order to work many schools and phlebotomy training programs will recommend that you get it. The reason for that is, is that many employers will look to hire employees whom are certified. It can also lead to higher pay. Now that you know what you need to do let us first see if phlebotomy is for you.

Phlebotomist need to be quick, responsible and reliable. It is important to do their job right and not be afraid of blood. You will deal with many people and therefore it will be helpful to be sociable and enjoy talking to others.

Now that we established the right personality for a phlebotomist, let us see how to attain that goal.

The first step is to attend a phlebotomy school or phlebotomy training program. You do not need your degree in order to be a phlebotomist, however some schools will offer that option to you.

Let us take a look at phlebotomy schooling:

Phlebotomy Schools in Oregon:

There are numerous schools that can train you to be a phlebotomist. Each school has their own pros and cons and therefore it is important that you research each school and find out which one is best for you.

When you look into each school it will be helpful to ask them questions to help you come to a decision. These questions can include:

  1. the tuition cost
  2. how long it will take to complete the program
  3. does the school offer night or online classes
  4.  is the school accredited
  5. can the school help you find a job once you complete the program
  6. does the school prepare you to take the certification exam
  7. does the school offer scholarships

In addition, you should ask any other question you would like to know. As you speak to each school write down their responses so that you can always refer to them.

Input your information for a list of phlebotomy training programs nearby to populate:

Now that you have an idea about phlebotomy training programs, let us move on to phlebotomy certification in Oregon.

Phlebotomy Certification in Oregon:

As mentioned earlier,  you do not  need your phlebotomy certification to work in Oregon. If you decide you can get it later on or a few years after you finish your phlebotomy training. Although it is suggested that you get it, for it can help you find a job or receive higher pay.

There are a few agencies that can certify you in phlebotomy. It does not make a difference which one you choose . You will get your certification once you take an exam and pass. The exam will cover the basics in phlebotomy. In order for you to decide which agency to go with, you can ask them questions to help you come to a final decision. You might want to find out:

  • the cost of the exam
  • where you can take the exam
  • how often you need to re-certify
  • what type of questions you can find on the exam
  •  requirements prior to taking the exam

Each certification agency in Oregon require you to be 18 years old or older and to have a GED or diploma prior to taking the exam.

Take a look here for in depth information on phlebotomy certifying agencies in Oregon.

Let us take a look now at job prospects and what type of job you can get as a phlebotomist in Oregon.

Phlebotomy Jobs in Oregon:

The job prospects for phlebotomist is on the rise. That means there will be a greater need for more phlebotomist. This makes it a wonderful time to join the field of phlebotomy.

As a phlebotomist, you will notice that most of the jobs available are in hospitals, they are also the lowest paid jobs. Fear not, for you can find work in clinics, doctor offices and laboratories. At times government positions require phlebotomist as well as pharmaceutical labs.

Take a look here at recent job postings in phlebotomy jobs in Oregon.

Let us take a look now at phlebotomist salary in Oregon.

Phlebotomist Salary in Oregon:

The average a phlebotomist earns in Oregon is $35,590.00 a year. That is on the higher end according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However you can always earn more than that, depending on your certification level and experience.

Majority of the phlebotomy jobs in Oregon will be found in the cities, such as in Portland, Salem and Hillsboro.

Phlebotomist Career in Oregon:

You are  ready to embark on your career in phlebotomy! Now that you are aware about phlebotomy training programs as well as phlebotomy certification in Oregon, you know how to become a truly successful phlebotomist. With caring and compassion you can show others that you care and are there for them, making a true difference to the lives of others.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.