phlebotomy in hawaii

Phlebotomy Certification Hawaii

How do you go about phlebotomy certification Hawaii ?

Phlebotomy certification Hawaii  is not required however it is a great idea, for it will make job hunting easier and usually employers will pay more for your certification.

So how do you go about it?

The first step before phlebotomy certification is to ensure you have a GED or a high school diploma, then you must attend a phlebotomy training program or a phlebotomy school. Every school had different criteria and requirements. It is best to look into a few programs and then decide which one is best for you.

Phlebotomy Training Programs  / Schools:

Which schools in Hawaii will prepare you for phlebotomy certification?  Let us take a look at phlebotomy training programs or schools. However as you research them,  make sure to ask relevant questions such as:

  • how much the training will cost,
  • how long it will the training take
  • if the school can help you find a job
  • Add any other question you would like to know

Input your information and various schools will populate, then your homework begins! Make sure to write down all their answers so that you can have it for reference.



Phlebotomy Certification Hawaii:

Once you completed your phlebotomy training or schooling you can work towards our phlebotomy certification Hawaii. There are many agencies that can certify you in phlebotomy. You only need to be certified once and therefore you should choose the agency that best fits your needs. Take a look at the various agencies to come to a complete decision. Each certification agency has different rules and requirements make sure you know what they are and decide on the one that best suits your needs.

Phlebotomy Jobs Hawaii:

Time to look for a job! Armed with your phlebotomy schooling and phlebotomy certification you want the best! At times the school you attended can help you find a job.  There are a variety of phlebotomy jobs found in Hawaii. Many of the jobs in Hawaii can be found in Urban Honolulu.

In addition, many of the phlebotomy jobs in Hawaii will be found in general and surgical hospitals. Though you can also find phlebotomy jobs in laboratories, physician offices and clinics.There are many businesses that need phlebotomist!  In addition  phlebotomist can find jobs in pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing plants and even as a local government worker!

Take a look here at the various jobs posted for a phlebotomist.

Phlebotomy Salary Hawaii:

What is the salary a phlebotomist can expect in Hawaii? Department of Labor and Statistics states that the average salary a phlebotomist earns in Hawaii is$34,270.00. However it can be less than that and even more than $34,270.00, for it depends on your experience and job.

Phlebotomist in Hawaii earn one of the highest paying salaries for phlebotomist, making it a great place to work.

The Urban Honolulu area pays the most for a phlebotomist in Hawaii. However, it does not have to be that you need to work there to earn the most money for it depends a lot on where you work. Medical and Diagnostic laboratories tend to pay more than hospitals.


Now that you know all about phlebotomy certification Hawaii, you are ready to work towards your goal of becoming a certified phlebotomist. Know that with your phlebotomy skills and assistance you will help others and assist those in need. Congratulations on your decision!

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.