phlebotomy certification in Pennsylvania

Phlebotomy Certification in Pennsylvania

Are you looking to become a phlebotomist in Pennsylvania? Do you know your states requirements? Pennsylvania does not require aspiring phlebotomist to get national certification. That means besides attending schooling in phlebotomy and being trained in the basics, you do not need to take a certification exam in order to work in Pennsylvania. However, it is always recommended to get certified, because many employers, such as hospitals prefer that their employees are certified and certification can lead to higher paying positions.

Before you can work towards your phlebotomy certification in Pennsylvania you would either need to attend a phlebotomy training program or school or have hands on experience.

Let us take a look a the steps below for a successful phlebotomy career in Pennsylvania. The first  thing we will look at is schooling:

Phlebotomy Training in Pennsylvania:

It is hard to get a job in a clinic, laboratory or hospital without formal phlebotomy training, therefore it is important to get proper training. There are numerous schools or training programs in Pennsylvania, that will train you as a phlebotomist. However, it is important that you look into your options and note what is best for you. You should research the schools and ask them questions. You can ask questions regarding the length and cost of their program as well as if they have the capabilities of finding you a job once you complete the program. Make sure to write down all their answers so that you can always refer to them later on and come to a clear decision where you want to attend.

Phlebotomy schooling or training should take about 4- 12 months.

Input your information below to see various  phlebotomy training programs or sites near you:

 Phlebotomy Certification in Pennsylvania:

Now that you know all about schools and probably have one in mind, you can move towards certification. In order to become nationally certified, you will take a certification exam from a third party agency. This phlebotomy exam ensures that you are fully prepared to work as a phlebotomist, being that the exam tests your basic phlebotomy knowledge. If you pass the exam you receive your certification.

There are numerous agencies that can certify you as a phlebotomist, therefore you should do your research to see which one is best for you. The agencies all have different requirements to take their test. It does not make a difference which agency you choose to go with.

Check out the  phlebotomy certification agencies in depth here. Ask them questions to help you choose which agency to go with. You may want to find out the following:

  • cost of certification exam
  • where you can take the exam
  • requirements prior to taking the exam
  • how long the certification certificate is good for
  • how often you need to re certify

You are moving right along! Once you settled on a certification agency you can look for a job!

Phlebotomy Jobs in Pennsylvania:

The job forecast for phlebotomist in Pennsylvania is constantly rising. This ensures that there are numerous jobs available in Pennsylvania for phlebotomist.

As a phlebotomist you can find yourself working in many interesting locations. Hospitals, doctor offices, laboratories are all in need of phlebotomist. Occasionally family centers and pharmaceutical companies as well as local government offices hire phlebotomist as well.

Check out various job opportunities for phlebotomist in Pennsylvania. 

Phlebotomy Salary in Pennsylvania:

The average salary a phlebotomist earns in Pennsylvania is $32,470.00. However a phlebotomist can always earn more than that depending on their job and experience. In addition, cities tend to pay a bit more for phlebotomist, therefore it might be to your benefit to look into jobs in the cities.

Phlebotomy Career in Pennsylvania:

Phlebotomist are needed in Pennsylvania. They are important to the medical profession and local community. Know that with your phlebotomy certification in Pennsylvania you have the opportunity to make a difference to peoples lives and can truly help them in many ways.

In addition, with your phlebotomy certification you can always work towards additional medical education and a degree.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.