phlebotomy certification in Mississippi

Phlebotomy Certification in Mississippi

A phlebotomist is someone who draws blood for medical or other reasons. Phlebotomist need patience and skill to perform well. Although they can learn skills, patience and responsibility is an important trait to become a phlebotomist.

Each state has differnt requirements about phlebotomy certification and receiving a phlebotomy license. Although you do not need phlebotomy certification in Mississippi, in order to work. It is highly suggested you get your license for it can help you find a job faster and you are likely to be paid more because of it.

Let us take a look at the steps to become a certified phlebotomist in Mississippi:

  1. phlebotomy training
  2. phlebotomy certification
  3. look for a job
  4. increase pay

Let us take a look at phlebotomy training in Mississippi:

Phlebotomy Training in Mississippi:

There are various schools that offer phlebotomy classes, however each school has different requirements. To help you decide which school is best for you, you should reach out to the phlebotomy programs and ask them questions. These questions should include everything you want to know such as:

  1. the cost of tuition
  2. if the school is accredited
  3. how long the program is
  4. does the school offer online or night classes
  5. can the school help you find a job once you complete the program
  6. does the school prepare you for the certification exam

In addition, you should ask anything else you want to know. Make sure to write down each schools response so that you can always refer to it. Having all the schools answers in front of you can help you decide on which phlebotomy program best suits your needs.

Take a look below, input your information for nearby phlebotomy schools to populate:


Now that you know what school to attend let us take a look  how to receive your phlebotomy certification.

Phlebotomy Certification in Mississippi:

What is phlebotomy certification and how do you get your certification?

You get certified once you take an exam from a certifying agency and pass. The exam covers all the basics in phlebotomy and ensures that you are familiar with blood drawing and phlebotomy procedures.

Employers prefer to hire phlebotomist who are certified because their certification shows they know what they are doing.

There are a few certifying agencies that you can take the exam from. Each of their exams are different. It does not make a difference which one you take. to help you decide which certifying agency to use, it is a good idea for you to sit down and write each agency pros and cons. You can ask them questions such as:

  • the cost of the examination
  • where you take the exam
  • how often you would need to re-certify
  • what kind of questions will you find on the exam

In addition, make sure to ask any other question you wan tot know.

Take a look here at the various phlebotomy certifying agencies for more information.

Now that you know where to get certified form, let us take a look at phlebotomy jobs.

Phlebotomy Jobs in Mississippi:

There is a growing need for phlebotomist in Mississippi and all over. This makes it a wonderful time to enter the field of phlebotomy. as a phlebotomist yo can find a job in many different settings, for doctor offices, clinics and laboratories all have a need for phlebotomist. Although most phlebotomist work in hospitals you can find them in other places as well. At times a government office or a pharmaceutical company require the work of a phlebotomist.

As you see, phlebotomist are not limited to just working in hospitals. Are you ready to look for a job? Take a look here at current phlebotomist jobs.

You are probably wondering what the current salary is for a phlebotomist in Mississippi.

Phlebotomist Salary in Mississippi:

As a phlebotomist in Mississippi, the current average salary you can earn is $26,330.00 . However depending on your experience and phlebotomy  certification you can likely earn more than that.

Phlebotomy Career in Mississippi:

Phlebotomist are important and integral in the healthcare profession. As a phlebotomist you should know that you can make a daily impact on others. By being professional, cordial and pleasant you can ease others burdens and fears. In addition, with your phlebotomy certification in Mississippi you can further your medical career if interested.








The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.