phlebotomy certification washington

Phlebotomy Certification in Washington state

Are you looking to become a phlebotomist in Washington state? You came to the right place.

Washington state is one of the few states that require phlebotomist to  receive their license before they work. Receiving your phlebotomy license is similar to a nurse or any other medical professional, for they all need to apply for a license prior to working.

So how can you go ahead and achieve your goal of becoming a phlebotomist?

The first thing you want to cover is phlebotomy schooling. Let us take a look at the steps we need to complete before getting phlebotomy certification in Washington state.

Phlebotomy Schools in Washington state:

There are numerous schools in Washington that can train you to become a phlebotomist. However, they are all different and unique. You must do your research to see which one is a best fit for you. In order to do your research and to find out which one is good for you,  you will ask them many questions. These questions will cover anything you are curious to know about the school and how it runs.

Take a look at a sample of questions you should ask them:

  1. How much does the schooling cost?
  2. How long will the schooling take?
  3. Is the school accredited?
  4. Will the school prepare you for phlebotomy certification?

Take a look at the phlebotomy schools near you and find one that best suits your needs:

Phlebotomy Certification in Washington state:

Once you received your phlebotomy training you can work on your phlebotomy certification in Washington. It is good to know that sometimes some certification agencies will accept hands on training instead of attending phlebotomy school. Check with the agencies before you attend phlebotomy school if that can apply to you.

The certification agencies are third party agencies that give exams in phlebotomy. The reason for this is to test your knowledge and to make sure you are ready to become a phlebotomist.

There are a few phlebotomy certification agencies that can certify you in phlebotomy.  It does not make a difference which one you go with and therefore you should go with the one that best fits your needs. Find out about them before you schedule any phlebotomy certification exam. In addition, phlebotomy training sites can sometimes set you up to take the phlebotomy certification exam.

Take a look at the the various phlebotomy certification agencies.

Phlebotomy License in Washington State:

How do you go about getting your phlebotomy license in Washington state?

Take a look at what you need in order to receive your license:

These are your options:


Completion of phlebotomy program,  that is recognized or accredited and received transcripts


can read, write and converse in English


7 hours HIV/AIDS training


high school diploma/GED


Completion of phlebotomy program, attested by supervisor with Washington state license


can read, write, and converse in English


7 hours HIV/AIDS training


high school diploma/GED


Military training or experience approved by secretary of health


can read, write and converse in English


7 hours HIV/AIDS training


high school diploma/GED

Whichever option you choose to go by, you will submit the documentation to Washington state along with an application that covers personal data questions. These questions will discuss any personal data that is important for the state to know before they grant you a license; such as your physical or mental history, any loss of credentials or any convictions.  In addition, you will send a fee costing about $115.00 to cover costs for the application.

For the first year that you have your license you will need to renew it on your birthday. After that you will only need to renew your license every two years.

It is good to know that upon renewal you will not need to show any continuing education requirements.

If you want to read more about the requirements take a look at Washington department of health website.

Phlebotomist Jobs in Washington State:

There are numerous jobs you can find in Washington state working as a phlebotomist. Although, many phlebotomist in Washington work in hospitals or medical settings, you have opportunities to work elsewhere; such as in  laboratories, manufacturing plants as well as local government or wholesale drug companies. They all  require the skills of a phlebotomist. Take a look here at open positions for a phlebotomist in Washington state.

Phlebotomist Salary in Washington state:

The average salary a phlebotomist in Washington state earns is $35,460.00. However, that does not mean that you cannot earn more! Depending on your skills and experience as well as where you work, you might earn more.

According to the Department of Labor Statistics, Washington state pays a phlebotomist more than the average states. Furthermore, in Seattle, Bellevue and Everett, Washington you can find numerous positions open for a phlebotomist. These cities also pay more than other cities nearby.

Phlebotomy Career in Washington State:

If you enjoy helping others and enjoy the medical profession, a career in phlebotomy might just be perfect for you. Although, working towards your phlebotomy certification in Washington state might be difficult, it ensures that you are familiar with the proper procedures and comfortable to do your job.



The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.