phlebotomy certification in New Hampshire

Phlebotomy Certification in New Hampshire

A phlebotomist is someone that draws blood for medical procedures, ( take a look here for a complete job description for a phlebotomist).

Each state has different requirements for a phlebotomist regarding certification and therefore it is important to know your states requirements. If you are a phlebotomist or working already as a phlebotomist and just want to know about phlebotomy certification in New Hampshire, just skip to phlebotomy certification below.  However if you want the step by step instructions on how to become a phlebotomist, you came to the right place.

Let us dive right in and see how to achieve your goal of becoming a phlebotomist.

Phlebotomy Schooling in New Hampshire:

The first step you need prior to achieving phlebotomy certification is to get phlebotomy training. There are 2 ways you can get phlebotomy training, either through attending school or though hands on training. If you choose to attend a phlebotomy school, take a look below at the various phlebotomy schools near you. As yo see your options you should know you must do your research to see which one is perfect for you. Ask them questions that you want to know ans write it all down. Once you have all your answers and have been in touch with all the schools you are interested in, you can make a final decision.

The questions you might want to ask them is:

  1. How much is the tuition cost?
  2. How long will it take to complete the program?
  3. Is the school accredited?
  4. Will the school prepare you to take a phlebotomy certification exam?
  5. Can the school help you find a job?

You should add your own questions to the list.

Now take a look below at the school near you, just input your zip code for the schools to populate:


Phlebotomy Certification in New Hampshire:

Once you attended phlebotomy training you can work on your phlebotomy certification in New Hampshire. Although New Hampshire does not require you to get your certification to work as a phlebotomist, it is a good idea to have. that is because many employers like to hire phlebotomist with certification, it can help you get a job and receive higher pay.

Certification agencies are third party agencies that certify you in phlebotomy. They do this by administering an exam that tests your knowledge in phlebotomy, they want to ensure you know what to do and that you are doing it right.

There are various agencies that can certify you in phlebotomy and you will only need to go through one of them, therefore you should decide which one is best for you. You can do this by asking them questions such as:

  1.  What are the requirements to take the exam?
  2. How much does the exam cost?
  3. How often do you need to re-certify?
  4. What type of questions can you find on the exam?

Some certification agencies allow you to take the exam with just phlebotomy experience instead of attending phlebotomy school, ask them! Take a look at in depth information on the phlebotomy certification agencies in New Hampshire here.

Phlebotomy Salary in New Hampshire:

The average salary a phlebotomist can earn in New Hampshire is $35,090.00, with the average hourly salary of $16.87. However that should deter you that you cannot earn more. A phlebotomist with experience and certification can earn more than that.

Phlebotomy Jobs in New Hampshire:

Working as a phlebotomist in New Hampshire you have the opportunity to work in many interesting locations. Although most phlebotomist jobs will be found in hospitals or local clinics there are jobs to be had in doctor offices, manufacturing plants and in laboratories.

Jobs will depend on your skill level and expertise. Take a look here for phlebotomy jobs in New Hampshire.

Phlebotomy Career in New Hampshire:

Being a phlebotomist comes with a lot of responsibility. However that should not deter you, for it is a job in which you will feel great satisfaction in knowing that you are there to help others. You can make a difference in their lives by being a caring and compassionate medical professional.

Although you do not need you phlebotomy certification in New Hampshire, it can help you find a job faster. It will prepare you for phlebotomist expectations and can ease your transition from phlebotomy training to the  workplace.

Just know that whatever you decide, whether to receive your phlebotomy certification or not  phlebotomy is an important profession that helps people and can truly make a difference.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.