phlebotomy certification in georgia

Phlebotomy Certification Georgia

Do you live or would like to live in Georgia and work as a phlebotomist? It is important to know that although phlebotomy certification Georgia is not required it is recommended.

This means you do not need to get nationally certified or licensed to work as a phlebotomist in Georgia. However, certification comes with many good things such as easier time getting a job and most likely higher pay. Therefore many phlebotomy schools or training sites advise aspiring phlebotomist to get their certification.

How do you go about phlebotomy certification Georgia?

The usual path to become a phlebotomist is:

  1. receive your GED or diploma from school
  2. you must be 18 or older to attend phlebotomy training program
  3. attend phlebotomy training school or receive hands on training at work
  4. work towards phlebotomy certification
  5. look for a job


Take a look here at the schools near you that provide phlebotomy training in Georgia:

Phlebotomy Schooling in Georgia:

To help you decide which schools would be best for you, ask them questions. The questions could include:

  1.  the cost of tuition
  2. If the school is accredited
  3. Can  the school can help you find a job?
  4. Does the school prepare you to take the certification exam?
  5. Can you take online or night classes?
  6. How long does the program take to complete?

In addition, you should ask any other question you would like to know. Make sure to write down all the answers you receive to help you remember them!

Phlebotomy Certification  in Georgia:

Great! You received your phlebotomy training or work experience and  now you are ready to work towards your phlebotomy certification in Georgia. To get your certification you will take an exam that covers the basics in phlebotomy, once you pass you will receive your certification.

There are numerous agencies that provide certification in phlebotomy and it does not really matter which one you receive. However, it would help you if you do your research and you see which agency is best for you. You should ask them questions and then come to a decision. You can ask them about the cost of the exam and how often you will have to take it to re certify.

Take a look here at the various phlebotomy certification agencies. Choose the one that best fits your needs such as location, requirements and questions.

Phlebotomy Jobs in Georgia:

Congratulations! You received your certification and you are ready to go ahead looking for a job. Many times the school you attend will help you find a job.

Take a look here at available phlebotomy job opportunities. If you insert your information, jobs should populate for you.

Georgia holds one of the highest level of phlebotomist jobs. That is great news for that means there are a lot of phlebotomy jobs in Georgia!  You will find that majority of the jobs can be found in Atlanta, Sandy Springs and Roswell, Georgia.

Phlebotomy Salary in Georgia:

How much does a phlebotomist earn in Georgia? The average salary according to the Department of Labor and Statistics is $30,240.00. However, you can earn more than that depending on your certification level and on your experience.


Congratulations you came to the wonderful decision of working and receiving your phlebotomy certification Georgia. Know that with your skill  and training you will have the opportunity to help many people.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.