phlebotomy in florida

Phlebotomy Certification Florida

Phlebotomy certification Florida is not required. That means you do not need to get nationally  certified to work as a phlebotomist in Florida. However, it is recommended that you receive your certification  for many employers want their employees to be certified. In addition certification you can at times earn more money.

How do you go about phlebotomy certification Florida?

The first thing you need to do before you receive your certification  is to meet some requirements, such as training, and or phlebotomy work as well as having your  GED or diploma. Look here for a more comprehensive list at the requirements.

Phlebotomy Schooling in  Florida:

There are community colleges and phlebotomy training sites that will allow you to receive the training you need. Make sure to do your homework and ask the Florida phlebotomy training programs questions that will help you make a decision on where to attend. You should ask them about pricing, length of their program and if they can help you find a job. Input your information below to see your options:

Phlebotomy Certification Florida:

Once you completed your training you are ready to take the phlebotomy certification exam. These agencies vary and have some differences and some similarities. You will want to read up about it until you reach your final decision to go with the agency that is best for you. Here is a list from the national certification agencies that can certify you in phlebotomy.


Phlebotomy Jobs in Florida:

Congratulations your training and certification is complete! So where do you go from here? Jobs of course! There are many new phlebotomy jobs opening in Florida due to the rise in health care needs. Take a look here at your job possibilities.

According to the Department of Labor and Statistics, Florida is the third highest state that employs phlebotomist. Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater, Florida have many phlebotomy jobs available.

Phlebotomy Salary in Florida:

What is the salary that you can expect as a phlebotomist in Florida? The annual mean salary, which is the average salary  for phlebotomist in Florida is $29,510.00. (Department of Labor and Statistics Of course, the salary will depend on many factors and can differ. Thus phlebotomy certification Florida is important for it can make a difference to your salary and job possibilities.


A phlebotomy career in Florida is a wonderful decision. As a phlebotomist, you are bound to help those in need and make a difference to peoples lives.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.