Phlebotomy certification alabama

Phlebotomy Certification Alabama

Phlebotomy Certification in Alabama State:

In Alabama you do not need national certification to be able to work as a phlebotomist or a phlebotomy technician. However certification can make a difference regarding pay and receiving better jobs opportunities. Generally before you work on your phlebotomy certification you will need to be trained in phlebotomy, unless you have prior work experience drawing blood.

Let us take a look at the steps in order to become a phlebotomist in Alabama:

Phlebotomy Schooling Alabama:

As mentioned, before you can work on your certification you must attend phlebotomy classes, a training program or have  full time work experience as a phlebotomist. You will either need a GED or diploma to attend training school.

Schooling or work experience should include hands on training such as various blood drawing procedures, proper protocol and basic training. Training in a phlebotomy training site should take about 4  to 12 months with some hours spent in the classroom learning about phlebotomy and the rest of the time practicing performing procedures.

It is good to do your research regarding phlebotomy training programs and then decide which one is best for you. Ask each training site questions as you reach out to them. Your questions can include cost of the program, if they can help you find a job, and how long their program takes.

See below for phlebotomy schools in Alabama that provide phlebotomy training:


Phlebotomy Certification Alabama:

Although you do not need to be certified in Alabama it can only help your career! Before we take a look at the phlebotomy certification agencies that can certify you, let us find out about them.

Do you homework and ask them questions that include:

  •  the cost of the phlebotomy certification,
  • how often they test
  • they type of questions found on the test
  • where the test is given
  • how often you will need to re certify

These questions should help you decide which agency to go with. Now that you know what to ask let us take a look at the Phlebotomy certifying agencies. 

Phlebotomy Jobs Alabama:

Jobs in health care are on the rise in Alabama as well as all over the United States.  Simply put, it means that there is a rising need for phlebotomist, making it an opportune time to join the profession.

As a phlebotomist, you can find jobs in hospitals, clinics, doctor offices and even local government offices. Although most phlebotomist work in a hospital, there are many interesting jobs that require a blood taker! See here for  Phlebotomy Jobs in Alabama.


Phlebotomy Salary Alabama:

As per the Department of Labor Statistics, Alabama’s average yearly salary for a phlebotomist is $27,440. However, you can always earn more money depending if you are certified, experienced and type of job you have.

In Birmingham, Alabama and Hoover, Alabama you can find a lot of jobs in the phlebotomy field. If you live there or near there your chances of getting hired fast are high!


Phlebotomy Career Alabama:

Congratulations on your decision to become a phlebotomist in Alabama. Although phlebotomy certification Alabama is not required it will make a difference to your phlebotomy career. As you know, a phlebotomy technician does more then blood drawing they  make a daily difference to peoples lives in times of distress and need.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.