phlebotomy certification in Indiana

Phlebotomy Certification in Indiana:

Looking to become a phlebotomist and want know all about it? Take a look at the complete guide covering phlebotomy certification in Indiana, salary and schooling.

Back to the basics! What is a phlebotomist? A phlebotomist is also known as a phlebotomy technician. They draw blood from others for many reasons, such as medical, research and donation purposes.

What is it like to be a phlebotomist?  A phlebotomist must be patient and caring for they deal with patients daily who may be concerned and unwell. In addition, they are responsible for safety and drawing the blood into the correct test tubes, therefore it is ideal for a phlebotomist to be reliable and responsible. Do you fit the bill? Then phlebotomy might be for you!

A phlebotomist does not need a degree in order to work and in most states they do not need their certification either. In Indiana you do not need to be certified to work as a phlebotomist.

Where can you be trained to be a phlebotomist? There are many programs and training sites that can train you.

Phlebotomy Training Programs:

There are various phlebotomy training programs in Indiana. Each program offers different classes and certification, therefore it would be ideal for you to see what would best suits your needs. Majority of the training programs will divide the training in 2. One part of the training will include  proper safety and protocol procedures, anatomy and blood composition and the other part would be hands on training.

To help you decide on a program you should ask yourself what is it that you are looking for- what is the most important criteria in order for you to succeed.

You may want to find out:

  • the cost of the training
  • if the school is accredited
  • can the school  help you find a job
  • does the school prepare you for the certification exam
  • does the school offer scholarships
  • do they have online or night classes
  • where the program takes place
  • how long the training will take
  • what certificate diploma or degree you will graduate with

Once you have received answers to your questions, you can decide which school to attend. Be sure to write down each schools replies so that you can always refer to them later on.


Now that you know which program interests you, let us talk about certification. Although certification is not needed in Indiana it is a good idea to receive it. Most employers look to hire employees whom are certified and it can likely get you a higher salary than un-certified employees. It also indicates that you are familiar with all phlebotomy procedures and are well trained.

Phlebotomy Certification in Indiana:

There are many agencies that can certify you and it can get confusing. What is important for you to know is to make sure that your employer, prospective employer and Indiana all accept that agency.

Each agency requires you to either have hands on phlebotomy training or to have attended an accredited school. You also need to be 18 and older with a diploma or equivalent.

You may want to find out from each agency:

  • the cost of the certification
  • how often you will need to re certify
  • where you can take the exam
  • the type of questions found on the exam

Once you take the exam and pass, you will receive your certification.

Phlebotomy Salary and jobs:

The job outlook for phlebotomist is on the rise, that means that there will be a need for more phlebotomist as time goes on.

The average salary for a phlebotomist in Indiana is $30,770 a year, and $14.79 an hour. You can always earn more than that depending on your certification, job and experience.

Most of the phlebotomy jobs are found in hospitals, although they tend to pay the least from other phlebotomy jobs. All medical offices, laboratories and clinics have a need for phlebotomist. Although it may be harder to secure a job there, they tend to pay more than hospitals. In addition, at times, you can find a government position or pharmaceutical lab seeking phlebotomist.

Are you ready for a job? See what is out there!

Phlebotomy Career in Indiana:

As a phlebotomist you will constantly be making a difference to peoples lives. In addition, phlebotomy is a great career if you want to decide if a medical career is for you. If you enjoy what you are doing you can always further your education to study how to become a nurse or physician assistant.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.