phlebotomy certification Nevada

Phlebotomy Certification Nevada:

You are required to get your phlebotomy certification in order to work as a phlebotomist in Nevada. Take a look at the steps outlined below:

Working in phlebotomy is a great way to join the healthcare profession while not needing a degree. In order to become a phlebotomist you need to attend phlebotomy school, phlebotomy training site, or have work experience before you get your certification. Your training should take between 4- 12 months.

Phlebotomy School Nevada:

Phlebotomy training or schooling prepares you for all basic phlebotomy procedures. You will learn blood drawing, how to prepare and prep a patient and deliver the blood samples to the right place. You will research the schools and ask them questions in order to decide where to attend. Take a look below, input your information and various phlebotomy schools in Nevada will populate. Remember to ask them about pricing, length of their program and if they can help you find a job.

Phlebotomy Certification Nevada:

Once you received your phlebotomy training you can work towards your certification. Receiving your certification is not a big deal, it just means you are required to take another test to confirm your phlebotomy knowledge and preparedness.

There are many agencies that can certify you in phlebotomy. You will need to research them and decide which one is best for you. They have different requirements regarding the test, questions asked and cost. It does not make a difference which agency you choose, for they all give you certification once you pass the test.  Therefore you choose to go with the one that is best for you!

Take a look here at the phlebotomy certification agencies.

Phlebotomy Licensing in Nevada:

Here is where Nevada differs from most states; you need a certificate to work in Nevada. Now that you either attended a phlebotomy training site, have 30 hours of work experience or have received your phlebotomy certification by one of the certification agencies, you can submit an application for a phlebotomy license. In Nevada, a phlebotomist is also knows as a laboratory assistant. You will apply though the Division of Public and Behavioral Health.

When you apply, your first application will be called an initial application.  You will input your personal information such as name, date of birth and social security number. In order to submit your application you need to attach either your high school diploma, GED or transcripts. You will also need  proof of phlebotomy training or experience. For that  you can submit your certification from one of the phlebotomy certification agencies, a letter on letterhead from an employer that you worked at least 30 hours a week for 3 years in a certified laboratory or a letter on letterhead that you completed phlebotomy training or schooling that was approved by Division of Public and Behavioral Heath.

In addition, you will send in a $60.00 nonrefundable check along with your completed application.

Mail your application to:
Division of Public and Behavioral Health
Medical Laboratory Services
727 Fairview Drive, Suite E
Carson City, NV 89701

Once application is reviewed and approved you should receive your certification form the state of Nevada.

Phlebotomy Jobs Nevada:

The obvious question once you receive your certification is where you can work! There are many offices, hospitals, and clinics that employ phlebotomist. Most phlebotomist work in hospitals or any other medical setting,  however, various government offices and labs have phlebotomist working by them too.

Are you interested in  finding a phlebotomy job in Nevada? Take a look here for recent jobs, to help you with your job search!

Phlebotomy Salary Nevada:

The average salary a phlebotomist earns in Nevada is $35,080.00. This is above average according to the other states. In addition, the salary can be more depending on your experience and where you work.

Phlebotomy Career Nevada:

Although you will need phlebotomy certification Nevada, it will help prepare you for your job. A phlebotomist helps others and makes a difference to their lives. Choosing this profession, you know that your day to day work makes a difference to many people regardless of age. Be proud of your profession as a phlebotomist!

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.