phlebotomy certification in Massachusetts

Phlebotomy Certification in Massachusetts

Receiving your phlebotomy certification is a big accomplishment. With the paper in your hand you are able to perform blood drawing and various punctures to people in need, for various medical reasons. Although, in Massachusetts you do not need certification to work as a phlebotomist, it will make it easier to find a job and earn a higher salary. Before you can work on your phlebotomy certification in Massachusetts, you will either need to attend phlebotomy training or have received hands on training from work experience. Let us take a  look at the steps to become a phlebotomist:

  1. 18 or older
  2. have a GED or diploma
  3. attend phlebotomy school or have  work experience
  4. receive your phlebotomy certification (if you want to)
  5. find work as a phlebotomist
  6. climb in your career-succeed!

Now let us see step by step on how to achieve your goal on becoming a  phlebotomist in Massachusetts:

Phlebotomy Training in Massachusetts:

There are a variety of phlebotomy training sites in Massachusetts, and they all offer different types of training. You should research each individual school by calling them and seeing which one is best for you. As you call them, you should take notes on what they say. Make sure to ask them questions on what is important for you. Take a look at a list of sample questions below to help you formulate some questions. Questioning is important for it will tell you more about the schools, helping you come to a final decision on where to attend.

  1. What is the tuition cost?
  2. How long will the training take?
  3. Can the school help you find a job?
  4. Is the school accredited?
  5. Does the school prepare you to take the certification exam?

Now that you know what to ask, take a look below at the various phlebotomy schools near you. Input your information for the schools to populate:


Phlebotomy Certification in Massachusetts:

In order to get your phlebotomy certification in Massachusetts, you will go through a phlebotomy certification agency. These agencies are third parties that will assess your knowledge in phlebotomy. They do so by administering examinations. If you pass the exam they will give you a certificate in phlebotomy. The reason for certification is to confirm that you know what your are doing and are familiar with phlebotomy procedures. Therefore, many employers like to hire phlebotomist with certification for it confirms their knowledge.

There are various certification agencies and they all have different requirements prior to taking the exam. Once again, you should research each agency to see which one you want to go with. In addition, some agencies do not require you to have phlebotomy training, if you have worked as a phlebotomist. Therefore it is a good idea to check their requirements before you attend school, if you have worked or currently work as a phlebotomist.

Take a look at the questions below that you can ask them:

  1. What is the cost of the exam?
  2. How often do you have to re certify?
  3. What type of questions will you come across on the exam?
  4. What are their requirements to taking the exam?
  5. Where do they administer the exam?

Now that you know what to ask them, let us take a look at the phlebotomy certification agencies and more information about them.

Phlebotomist Salary in Massachusetts:

You are probably wondering now what is the average salary a phlebotomist can earn in Massachusetts. Although the average salary is $38,240.00, you can earn more depending on your experience and job. Massachusetts is one of the highest paying states for a phlebotomist, making it a great place to work.

Phlebotomy Jobs in Massachusetts:

Working as a phlebotomist in Massachusetts, you have many options on where to work. There are numerous positions in hospitals, clinics, doctor offices as well as family centers and laboratories. In addition, you can at times find a job as a phlebotomist in drug manufacturing companies and even in local government offices.  Do not feel limited to hospitals!

Take a look here at the latest jobs posted. You can also input your location to find jobs near you.

Phlebotomy Career in Massachusetts:

As a phlebotomist in Massachusetts you will have the opportunity to help others in need on a daily basis. Furthermore, you can truly make a difference in their lives as a caring medical professional, who is there to help them.

Receiving your phlebotomy certification in Massachusetts can help you advance in your career and become a successful phlebotomist. In addition, with your phlebotomy  knowledge you can always pursue a degree in the medical profession.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.