phlebotomy certification in maryland

Phlebotomy Certification in Maryland

Although there are various states that require a phlebotomist to receive certification, Maryland is not one of them.

Want  to work a phlebotomist in Maryland? You came to the right place! Many think that a phlebotomist merely draws blood from patients, however they do much more than that. A phlebotomist must be a caring individual who takes their responsibility seriously. They are there to help and reassure others and can truly make a difference to their lives.

Are you looking to helping others during their time of need? Phlebotomy might just be a wonderful career for you.  Let us take a look at the steps below in order to become a phlebotomist.

The first step you will take to achieve your goal is to attend phlebotomy training or schooling. Phlebotomy schooling does not take too long and can be completed in about 4 months to a year. In addition, the schooling is usually not full time. Let us take a  look at phlebotomy training locations in Maryland:

Phlebotomy training in Maryland:

There are various phlebotomy training schools in Maryland. They all cover different topics and have different requirements in order to attend. You should take a look into each possibility and decide which school best suits your needs. You can do this by asking the phlebotomy schools questions that will help you reach your decision. The questions can include the following:

  1. How long will the training take?
  2. What is the cost of the program?
  3. What will you learn during the course of the training?
  4. Is the school accredited?
  5. Can the school help you find a job?

You should add any other question that you want to know. Make sure to jot down their answers for record keeping so that you an always go back to review their answers. Now that you know what to ask, take a look below at the phlebotomy training schools near you, just input your zip code for it to populate:


Now that you decided on a school, you can move onto the next step:

Phlebotomy Certification in Maryland:

You do not need phlebotomy certification in Maryland,  however it is highly recommended you get it. The reason is because many employers look to hire employees that are certified and it can make a difference to your pay.

How do you go about receiving your phlebotomy certification in Maryland? It is pretty simple, all you need to do is take an exam from a qualifying agency that certifies you in phlebotomy. In order for you to get your certification, you must pass the exam. The exam shows the agency that you are familiar with the procedures and know the basics in phlebotomy.

There are numerous agencies that can certify you in phlebotomy and therefore you should look into all of them and then decide which one you want to go with. Although they all have basic requirements such as you need to be 18 or older and have a GED or diploma they also have requirements that differ from one another. You might want to ask them:

  1. What is the cost of taking the exam?
  2. How often do you need to re-certify?
  3. Where can you take the exam?
  4. Do you need to attend phlebotomy schooling before taking the exam?
  5. Will they accept the training you took from the school you attended?

Some agencies allow you to take the exam if you have hands on training from work, instead of attending phlebotomy school, others insist you attend school.

Take a look here for in depth information on the various phlebotomy certification agencies and their requirements.

Phlebotomist Salary in Maryland:

How much can you earn as a phlebotomist in Maryland? The average salary in Maryland for a phlebotomist is $37,720.00. However you can earn more depending on your experience, certification and job.

Maryland is one of the highest paying states for a phlebotomist, making it a great place to work.

Phlebotomy Jobs in Maryland:

As a phlebotomist in Maryland, you have the opportunity to work in many interesting and wonderful locations. Phlebotomist are needed in all hospitals, doctor offices and clinics. Furthermore, you can find phlebotomist working in pharmaceutical factories and in laboratories. Although the majority of the jobs will be found in hospitals, you should not feel limited to working only there.

Take a look here at recent job postings for phlebotomist.

Phlebotomy Career in Maryland:

As a phlebotomist, you will have many responsibilities. However it is an important and rewarding job, one that you will find in many locations. In addition, you can always work towards a medical degree being that you are familiar with basic medical procedures. Although phlebotomy certification in Maryland is not required it can help you grow in your career, truly making a difference where you go.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.