phlebotomy in louisiana

Phlebotomy Certification Louisiana, and training

In order to work in Louisiana as a phlebotomist you must be nationally certified. Nationally certified means to take an additional test from an agency in order to work as a phlebotomist and then you will need to apply for a license. A third party agency evaluates your credentials and knowledge through the test you take. It is a requirement that Louisiana demands.  Do not feel burdened about needing national certification, it will just give you the extra confidence and boost that you know what you are doing!

Phlebotomy School/ Training Louisiana:

Before you can begin working on your phlebotomy certification Louisiana you must have attended phlebotomy training or school. Sometimes a certification agency allows you to take the test if you have work experience. There are numerous schools in Louisiana that offer the required training in order to become certified. Input your information below to see the phlebotomy schools nearby.

You must do your homework when you research phlebotomy schools and ask questions! Make sure the phlebotomy school is the right fit for you and make sure they are state approved. You can ask about tuition, time it takes to complete program and if they offer finding jobs for their graduates.

Phlebotomy Certification Louisiana:

You are moving right ahead! Now you are ready to work towards your phlebotomy certification. Once again, you will look into the various certification agencies and decide what is best for you. There are numerous agencies however you only need to be certified by one of them. As previously mentioned when you look into certification agencies you can find out if they allow taking the test with no formal schooling just with work experience.

Check out the various Phlebotomy Certification Agencies.

Phlebotomy License Louisiana:

In order for you to work as a phlebotomist in Louisiana you will need to have attended an approved school or training site. In addition, you will need to pass your certification exam taken from one of the approved certification agencies. Make sure they send your score directly to Louisiana State board of Medical Examiners.

Once that is done you can submit an application, included in the application will be a  background check, a competency form filled out by your medical director and an initial application, as well as a passport picture and $40 for the application.

You can first apply for a temporary license  once you complete your schooling before you take the certification exam. You would however need proof that you scheduled a certification exam by one of the approved agencies.

Once complete you will mail your application to:

Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners
630 Camp Street
New Orleans, LA 70130

Phlebotomy Job Louisiana:

Jobs in healthcare in Louisiana and all over the US  are on the rise. There are a variety of phlebotomy jobs in Louisiana, and therefore a phlebotomist can find themselves working in so many different places. A phlebotomist can find work in hospitals, doctor offices and even in laboratories.

Take a look at the various phlebotomy jobs in Louisiana.

Phlebotomist Salary Louisiana:

The salary a phlebotomist earns in Louisiana is on average $29,490.00. That does  not mean you cannot earn more! Phlebotomist with phlebotomy certification and experience tend to make more than their counterparts without it.

Phlebotomy Career Louisiana:

Phlebotomy is a career that helps many people in need. Choosing this profession allows you to be there for others and make a difference in their lives.

With phlebotomy certification you can always further your education to other medical fields.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.