phlebotomy in new Jersey

Phlebotomy Certification in New Jersey

The most common question a phlebotomist asks, is if they need certification. The answer is not easy, for it depends where the phlebotomist wants to work. In New Jersey, a phlebotomist  does not need their certification in order to work, however it is highly recommended to  get it. Many employers like to hire employees with certification and therefore certification can help you find a job faster and at times earn you a higher salary.

However, before you work on your certification you will need some phlebotomy training. You can receive the training by either attending a phlebotomy school or through experience, which is hands on training. Once you have either of those you can work on getting your certification.

Let us first take a look at phlebotomy schools before delving into phlebotomy certification in New Jersey.

Phlebotomy Schooling in New Jersey:

There are numerous schools in New Jersey that can train you to become a phlebotomist. Your job is to research each one and then decide which one is best for you. Take a look at the questions below  that you can ask to help you come to your decision on which school would best suit your needs:

  1. Is the school/ training program accredited?
  2. How long would the training take?
  3. Would the school prepare you to take a certification exam?
  4. What is the tuition cost?

Now that you have a few questions, think of anything else you would want to know and write it down. When you speak to the phlebotomy schools take a look at your questions and ask them what you want to know, make sure to take notes and write all their answers down.

By inputting your information below, you will get information on various phlebotomy training sites and schools.


Phlebotomy Certification in New Jersey:

Now that you know which school you want to attend or you have received your phlebotomy training already , you can focus on your phlebotomy certification. There are numerous certification agencies that can certify you in phlebotomy. In order to be certified you will take an examination that will cover the basic phlebotomy procedures and you will most likely need to do some blood drawing as well.

Each agency has different requirements and you will want to research them and know what they are. In addition, their fees vary from one another and so do their questions. Furthermore, some agencies do not need you to attend phlebotomy training prior to taking their exam and others do, therefore you must do your research!

However, all phlebotomy certification agencies have basic requirements prior to taking the exam, such as being 18 or older and having received a GED or high school diploma.

Take a look at their requirements and more information about them here. 

Phlebotomy Jobs in New Jersey:

The job outlook for a phlebotomist in New Jersey looks really good. It seems that the need for phlebotomist are growing in New Jersey, making it a good career choice if you enjoy helping others. In addition, there are many places of employment for a phlebotomist in New Jersey. Phlebotomist hold jobs in medical offices, clinics, laboratories and even in drug companies. Ready for a job? Take a look here for various job openings.

Phlebotomy Salary in New Jersey:

What is the average salary a phlebotomist earns in New Jersey? Although the average salary is $36,00.00, you can earn more than that. Your salary will depend on your experience and where you work. A phlebotomist in New Jersey earns one of the highest salaries state wide. In addition, New Jersey has plenty of job openings for a phlebotomist, making it an ideal place to work.

Phlebotomy Career in New Jersey:

If you enjoy the medical profession and do not have much time to sit in school, becoming a phlebotomist might be a wonderful career choice. You will have the opportunity to help others in need and can make a true difference to peoples lives. In addition, receiving your phlebotomy certification in New Jersey can lead the way for many great job opportunities.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.