phlebotomy in colorado

Phlebotomy certification Colorado

Colorado state requirements for a phlebotomist is similar to most states in which phlebotomist do not need to be certified. However certification can make a difference in pay as well as in an easier time getting a job, therefore it is a good idea to receive your certification. Many employers look for employees that are certified and is willing to pay more for their certification.

Now that you know certification can help you get a job, how do you go about it?

Phlebotomy Schools in Colorado:

Before you can earn your phlebotomy certification you need to attend phlebotomy training or a phlebotomy school. There are many schools and colleges that will teach you how to draw blood and cover the phlebotomy basics, so how will do decide? You will review each schools criteria and regulations and see what is best for you. Ask them the following questions:

  1. Will you help me find a job?
  2. How much does the program cost?
  3. How long will does the phlebotomy training take?
  4. Is the school accredited?

In addition, you should ask them anything else that you would like to know. Make sure to write down their answers to have them handy for review and to help you come to a final decision.


 Phlebotomy Certification Colorado:

Wonderful! You received your training and attended phlebotomy school and now you are ready  to work on your certification. Although, you do not need phlebotomy certification in Colorado, as mentioned before it can help you find a job as well as earn better pay.

Receiving your phlebotomy certification in Colorado ensures employers that you have the basics you need for any phlebotomy job and are qualified to work as a phlebotomist. The agency tests your knowledge by administering an exam to confirm that you know phlebotomy.

There are numerous phlebotomy certification agencies, yet you need to choose just one! Take a look at their requirements and decide what is best for you. Once again, you will ask them questions to help you come to the right decision on which agency you should take the exam from. The questions you can ask them can be:

  1. What is the cost of the exam?
  2. How often do you have to re certify
  3. where is the exam given?
  4. What type of questions can you find on the exam?
  5. What are the requirements prior to taking the exam?


Now that you know what to ask, take a look at the Phlebotomy Certification Agencies.

Phlebotomy Jobs Colorado:

According to the Department of Labor Statistics phlebotomy jobs are on the rise. Aurora, Lakewood and Denver, Colorado have the highest concentration of phlebotomy jobs, that simply means that there are a lot of phlebotomy jobs there. However that should not keep you from looking elsewhere! There are many different types of  phlebotomy jobs. A phlebotomist can find a job in a hospital, clinic, physician office and even as a government worker! Take a look here for various phlebotomy jobs.

Phlebotomy Salary Colorado:

The average salary for a phlebotomist in Colorado is $35,830,00. However, you can always earn  more than $35,830.00, for it depends on your job and experience. It is wonderful to know that Colorado is one of the top paying states for a phlebotomist.

The top paying metropolitan areas in Colorado is Fort Collins, Greeley, Denver, Aurora,  and Colorado Springs as well as the southwest non-metropolitan areas. This indicates the need for phlebotomist in Colorado and that Colorado pays a decent salary.


Phlebotomy career in Colorado:

Congratulations and good luck on your phlebotomy career! Although phlebotomy certification Colorado is not required it doesn’t mean you can’t find a job in Colorado as a phlebotomist. There are plenty of opportunities there and know a phlebotomy career assists and helps many people!

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.